Fees structure of P.G. Courses

Fees structure of P.G./U.G Courses


Fees structure of P.G./U.G Courses


PG Department Semester wise Fees Total Fees Semester wise Admission/Readmission Fees


20,500 82,000 10,000
Chemistry 20,500 82,000 10,000
Botany 20,500 82,000 10,000
Zoology 20,500 82,000 10,000
Odia 13,000 52,000 8,000


13,000 52,000 8,000


13,000 52,000 8,000
Political Science 13,000 52,000 8,000
PMIR 15,000 60,000 10,000

Fees structure of U.G. Courses


UG Department No. of seats Semester wise Fees Semester wise Admission/Readmission Fees


16 6,700 5,500
Economics 16 6,700 5,500
Education 48 6,700 5,500
English 16 6,700 5,500
Geography 16 6,700 5,500


24 6,700 5,500

Home Science

16 6,700 5,500
Journalism & Mass Comunication 24 6,700 5,500
Odia 24 6,700 5,500
Philosophy 24 6,700 5,500
Political Science 32 6,700 5,500
Sociology 16 6,700 5,500
Santali 24 6,700 5,500
COMMERCE 64 6,700 5,500
Biotechnology 16 12,700 6,500
Botany 32 12,700 6,500
Microbiology 16 12,700 6,500
Zoology 32 12,700 6,500
Chemistry 32 12,700 6,500
I.T. 16 12,700 6,500
Physics 32 12,700 6,500

Additional Fees like Study Tour, university Examination Fees, Project Work, National / International Seminar Fees are to be borne by the Students.

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