


Young and bright research oriented lectures are the regular tecahing staff of the college. Besides qualified & experienced managers of reputed companies show their interest to enrich the academic standards of the institution by taking classes and Professors and Retired Professors of the Universities and reputed Institutions are regularly invited to increase the Managerial capability of the students. We are organizing Industrial Tour. , Study Tour, Group Discussion and seminar at regular intervals to increase the learning sprit of the students.

SL No. Name of the faculty & staff Qualification Designation
1 Prof. (Dr) Binodini Rath Ex-Member Senate, Academic Council, Board of Studies(PMIR,LLB, LLM) NOU DEAN (PMIR) & I/c Principal
2 Prof. Pradeep Ku. Nayak M.Com., PGDCA, FIBM Ex - Member Senate Academic Council, and Member Board of Studies PMIR/LLB, LLM of North Orissa University
3 Prof. M.K. Panda M.Sc., MBA, PGDCA  
4 Prof. Sanghamitra Rout MA(PMIR), PGDCA  
5 Prof. Pragya Paramita Mishra MA(PMIR) MA(Eco)  

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